Dire Dawa’s Pride
የድሬ ኩራት.

የድሬ ቶቶ የብስክሌት ቡድን
Team Dire TOTO

  • May 8/2025

  • 8:20 AM

Road to Ethiopia

Dire Race

  • Dire Dawa

  • December 2024

  • 8:30 AM

Dire Harif 2024

Dire Race, Special Event

  • Selat sunda

  • 10/12/2021

  • 12:00 AM

The Dire Tour

Dire Race

Meet the TEAM, The Heart of Our Journey.

የድሬ ቶቶ የብስክሌት ቡድን ተወዳዳሪዎች ይተዋወቁ!

የክለቡ አባላቶችና ተወዳዳሪዎች ለእድገታችን የጀርባ አጥንት ሆነው፣ የተነሳንበትን አላም ለማሳካት የሚከፈለውን ሁሉ ተከፍሎ ግቡን እንዲመታ ለመስራት ዝግጁ ናቸው።

Every member is a vital part of our mission to inspire youth, foster unity, and rekindle the lost art of cycling in Dire Dawa. Our diverse team, driven by innovative thinking and deep-rooted commitment, transforms each ride into a journey of passion, excellence, and community spirit.

Passion & Commitment
Diversity & Collaboration
Innovation & Excellence

Team Dire TOTO Inauguration.
የቶቶ ብስክሌት ምስረታ

የቶቶ ስፖርት ብስክሌት ቡድን ህዳር 07/2017 ዓ.ም በይፋ ተመሰረተ | Team Dire TOTO was founded on November 16/2024

የቶቶ ስፖርት ብስክሌት ቡድን ህዳር 07/2017 ዓ.ም በይፋ ተመሰረተ Team Dire TOTO was founded on November 16/2024 የድሬዳዋን ብስክሌት ከማነቃቃት በላይ በከተማዋ ላይ ያሉ ወጣቶችንም ለማነሳሳት እንዲሁም ክለቡ ኢትዮጵያን የሚያኮሩ ልጆችን ለማብቃትና ከኢትዮጵያ አልፎ በመላው አለም ተወዳዳሪ መሆን የሚችል ክለብ ማድረግ ነው።

The nation’s largest statewide bicycle nonprofit throughout the state.

Racing is still encouraged and remains an important part..

However, the best reason of all is the opportunity to connect with other. With over 160 members in our club.

However, the best reason of all is the opportunity to connect with other. With over 160 members in our club.

However, the best reason of all is the opportunity to connect with other. With over 160 members in our club.


We're inviting you to join our club and community today.

Members are welcome to race if they choose to do so.